November 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting convened at 992 Pheasant Ridge at 7:00 pm. Salena Morphew, Josh Morphew, Stacey Whitt, Joe Tracey, Sue Tracey and Matt Ward were in attendance.
1. President’s Report: The fence is coming along and is beginning to look great. The stain will be applied to both sides of the fence. The sprinklers in the front have been replaced and fixed by Rich Barrett and the new plants are all in. We will be putting the mulch back in on both sides on Sunday, Nov, 22nd at 2:00.
2. Operations Report: Depending on the weather, Christmas Decorations should go up on Nov. 27th. The electricity needs to be fixed and will cost approximately $1200. The board voted to go ahead with this project. We need to contact Tiffany Woodward to see what Christmas Decorations still has. It was decided to use white lights this year.
3. Newsletter: The next newsletter is planned for Mid-February. If anyone has ideas or articles, please submit to Sue Tracey at your convenience.
4. Miscellaneous Items:
*There will be no meeting in December due to the holiday rush.
*The Quail Valley Decorating Contest will begin for voting on Dec. 7th and the bulletin board will be updated as soon as the main entrance decorations are up. Josh Morphew will update the website and the Facebook page.
*The board is planning to host a thank you get together for the generous neighbors who helped us get the fence project completed. A date sometime in January will be decided on at a later date.
5. Treasurer: The Dues letters and ballots for election of new Board members will go out in January and will be due on Feb. 28th. Financial report will be up on the QVHA website.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm. Next meeting Wed., Jan. 20th at 985 Pheasant Ridge at 7:00 pm.