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November 2016 Board Meeting

Quail Valley Home Owners Association

Meeting Minutes

November 2, 2016

Meeting convened at 988 Dove Meadow at 7:35pm. Salena & Josh Morphew, Chris & Stacey Whitt, Sue Tracey, Matt Ward, and Sandi Mercier were in attendance.

  1. Financial Report: 108 residents have paid to date (69%). Discussed reaching out to the new residents welcoming them and sharing what we do, how they can get involved and why we collect dues.

There are two newly occupied residences: 1100 Pheas

ant Ridge & 986 Post Oak. Sandi

will take Welcome Bags to them this weekend.

  1. Landscaping: It was agreed to schedule a fall cleanup for the front entrance on November 25 & 26. We will plant winter annuals, add mulch to the center island, and decorate for the holidays. It was decided to delay any major landscaping until April. Decisions regarding the new landscaping plan will be discussed in February.

Salena said many residents are volunteering to help and so she will reach out to them

to form a Garden Committee.

  1. Newsletter: Board will get articles to Sue no later than November 13th to be distributed before Thanksgiving. Suggested the Board give our recommendations of Keller businesses in the newsletter.

Promotion of the Holiday Decorating Contest will be in the newsletter. Voting will be


Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm. Next meeting January 11, 2017, 7:30pm at 985 Pheasant Ridge.

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